Bracelets are among those accessories which provide you with subtle style and class without catching much attention. Have you ever thought of wearing bracelets but dropped the idea as it gave you that feminine vibes? Well, it could be that you had been wearing them without knowing their types and the knowledge on how to wear them. There is a bracelet for every man and his personality.
Until now all you knew was about the quintessential gold bracelets which you would wear only on special occasions. However, did you know that bracelets can also be worn with casual and formal wear? Here we bring you a complete guide and some personalized tips on how you can wear bracelets confidently.

There are various types of bracelets to choose from. You need not be a fan of Salman Khan to wear them. Let’s help you decide what goes best with your outfits and find your Bhai Vibe! 1. Metal Cuffs
Metal cuffs are an excellent choice if you don’t want to get your wrist occupied. These are sleek and beautiful and go well with your formal outfits. They speak for themselves every time they peek from below your cuffs. Always remember, a single carved metal piece is enough to uplift your style. You don’t need gems and stones to be adorned. Keeping it classy and simple is the key. You can pair it with a watch or wear it alone.

Daniel Wellington Bracelet - Buy Now 2. Metal Chain
Metal chains are also a good option to switch to. You can wear a broad metal chain as Salman Khan does. If you don’t like broad chains, there are also sleek chains. Also, you can attach a metal plate, where you can carve out your name and Viola! You have a retro id chain. If you are more into retro looks, you can try this out.
Gold and silver chains are most common in this type, which you can experiment with the design and width according to what outfits you wear. Make sure you are not going into rapper style with bulky bracelets and rings all at once.

Carlton London Bracelet - Buy Now 3. Leather Wrap
Leather wraps are an excellent choice to rock your casual outfits. They come with single, double and even triple tiers. The best part is you can buy a single piece of it and yet can get that all stacked up to look. Also, they are very much stackable and you can stack them up with almost any other accessories.
There are various pieces of it available in various widths, styles and colours. Match them according to the other accessories or the colour of your outfit. The key here is to wrap it in an aesthetic way.

Leather Bracelet - Buy Now
4. Rope Bracelet
Rope bracelets are simple yet elegant ones. These are more lenient towards casual looks and very stackable. You can also wear them singly. They are like that versatile friend of yours, who can adapt to any situation. You can even stack them up with a watch or other bracelets too according to the look you desire.
The different versions of these are in trend now. You can try these if you want to start small and try the look of bracelets on you.

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5. Beaded Bracelet
Beaded bracelets give you that holiday beach vibe. Don’t go popping colours with them like making a rainbow out of your beads, as it will look feminine. Try neutral and earthly colours as they will give you subtle masculine looks and vibes. You can change the colour of one or two beads like, if all the beads are dark, let there be 2-3 light colour beads in between or vice-versa.
Try smaller beads as it looks more masculine, but if you like bigger beads, you can go for them. The colour of the beads should match any element of your outfit.

Roadster Beaded Bracelet - Buy Now Tips and Tricks (Yes, you need them)
If you keep in mind these simple tips and tricks, deciding which one and how to wear become easy:
1. Bracelets are similar to wristwatches. Keep them naturally under your sleeve instead of taking all the effort to show them. 2. Do not stack anything up with metal bracelets (thick ones). They love the kingdom to themselves. However, you can stack up with the sleek ones. 3. It is preferable to keep one arm bare instead of stacking up both arms. 4. If worn with a watch, two is the limit of stacking. Don’t go making a sleeve of them stacking all. 5. Try combining different kinds, instead of stacking the same, like leather with rope or rope with beads, or beads with leather and so on.

It doesn’t matter what you prefer, ropes or beads or leather or metal, as long as you are confident with what you wear, you can rock all of them. A man with a bracelet is worth a thousand descriptions.
Now that you know how to style your bracelet, do you know how which outfit complements your bracelet preference? If not, why not ask our styling experts, they would be more than happy to be a part of your style journey.