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Updated: Jul 14, 2021

It always feels good to have a great impact on others by your style. Everyone wants to style themselves in a different way than others. There's no question that accessories can have a huge impact on a man's outfit and overall style. The most important out of all of the accessories is shoes.

Shoes are not only worn to protect the human feet. They are also worn because they add the final touch to the style you are trying to create. There are different styles of shoes available in the market and it is very confusing to find a good pair for yourself.

For our day-to-day life, we want to choose comfort as well as style. so, here are some tips on how to choose the right pair of shoes to showcase your style.

Brown Sneakers

1.Shoe Color

You should always choose darker shoes than your pants. This will make your life much easier while selecting an appropriate look for a business outfit, casual outfit, or for party wear outfit.

There should be a nice bridge between your shoes and your trousers rather than a contrasting color. So, wear matching socks with shoes. Match your shoes with your belt color shade, it will definitely help you look better.

Matching pair of shoes and socks

2. Shoe Styles

Go for a classic one if you are confused. No one wants to spend money on shoes that look outdated within few months. Invest in loafers as they go with just anything. So you don’t have to think about your footwear for hours.

Brown Oxfords are a must-have. You can always have a good pair of boots, they look versatile with some outfits.

Brown oxford shoes

3. All about Sneakers and Athletics

Wearing sneakers with khakis makes you look older than you really are.

Always look for the right mechanics, support, and cushioning in your athletic shoes. Choose the right brand with options suited to your feet. Athletics should be replaced once every six months.


4. Shoe Buying

Choose fit over style. If you are feeling hurt by wearing a particular kind of shoe then skip it. Comfort is above anything. Invest more in a branded shoes rather than local shoes. A good quality pair makes its own statement.

Go for classic ones if you are confused. The less spunky kind of shoes always looks good and doesn’t confuse you.

Try going bold once a year and buy something you really wanted for so much time. Whether it is a new style or a new color, you should always give it a go-to to bring some new styles into your wardrobe.

Buying a branded shoes

5. Shoe Appearance

Pay attention to your shoes, they should always be cleaned and shined which will make them really good. People especially girls, generally notice first thing in you is your shoes, so maintenance is always mandatory. Keep them in a clean place.

Shoelace must be taken care of, they should be tied properly, otherwise, they look ugly.

Read our blog on Shoe Maintenance(HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOES IN 3 EASY WAYS)

Shoe manintenance

Shoes are a reflection of your personality and depict how as a person you are. It speaks volumes about you without you uttering a single word. So always present your best self by adding the best shoes to your wardrobe.

"Shoes make an outfit; they're like rims for a car"

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